
Chilli Padi Capital rebrands to XceedCrypto

Unveiling the XceedCrypto formerly knows as Chilli Padi Capital

XceedCrypto is at the forefront of crypto fundraising. With a distinguished track record of fueling numerous blockchain ventures, XceedCrypto has successfully procured over USD 500,000.00 in capital.

At XceedCrypto, we pride ourselves on our strategic approach and innovative solutions, specifically tailored to cater to the needs of emerging crypto projects. Our expertise lies in fundraising and providing comprehensive marketing support, ensuring the success and sustainability of ventures venturing into the blockchain domain.

Having spearheaded numerous successful executions, XceedCrypto is now poised to revolutionize and empower the next generation of transformative blockchain projects. As we embark on this journey of evolution, we invite you to join us in shaping the future of the crypto landscape. Welcome to the dawn of a new era, welcome to XceedCrypto.

To find out more about XceedCrypto:

